The Wyit Sprowls Covered Bridge was originally located in West Finley in Washington County. There seems to be a confusion as to the actual date when the bridge was built. Some online articles mention that it was built in 1875. Its builder is also unknown. The bridge was named after Wyit Sprowls because it was built around the land owned by the Sprowls family.
It was winter when we visited the covered bridge, and I couldn't help but be amazed at how it stood beautifully amidst the deep foot snow blanketing its surroundings. Every part of the bridge had been restored back to what it originally looked like. They said that the best time to visit the Sprowls bridge is during the Covered Bridge Festival in September where it becomes a home to family picnics, arts and crafts, home-style food and historical exhibition.
The Wyit Sprowls Covered Bridge
This is what it looks like inside
A marker on top of the bridge
An old schoolhouse sits near the Sprowls Covered Bridge